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Reasons I Love Street Photography

Street Performer in Krakow

I still remember the first time when I picked up my father's camera from a dusty old cabinet. It wasn't a fancy camera like a DSLR with different modes and functions. To be honest, what I knew back then was just point and shoot. I didn't even care about what aperture and exposure means. I just went out shooting and loved it even since.

And here are a few reasons that I love about street photography.


1. It is like an adventure every single time.

For me, the most interesting part is to explore new places where I have never set foot before. Most of the time, I do not even have a plan of where I am going to shoot. I would just hop on a bus and get off at a random stop when I feel like it.

Letting the camera guide me where to go is like a journey exploring the unknown. You will never know what would come next.

2. Every moment is instantaneous and unique.

No matter how many time you shoot on the same street, the environment surrounded you will be different, maybe it is the weather of the day or the people that crossing by. It is a unique experience every time. Embracing and giving in to your surrounding will inspire you to come up with new ideals for framing and composing. And if you miss that perfect moment to click the shutter, you will never capture that again. But, I am sure you will find the next one, maybe its just around the corner.

3. Waiting for the perfect moment is rewarding.

It does not have to be racing with time when you shoot on the street. Sometimes, I would take my time to frame my shoot. Then, simply wait for someone to walk into my scene and capture that moment. It might take a few minutes, an hour or even longer, like taking a long exposure shot. But I promise you, it would all be worth it when you come up with the shot you are looking for.


So, that's the reasons why I love street photography. How about yours? Hope this could inspire you to go on your own adventure.

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